Welcome to I-ran-out-of-every-household-item-possible-and-have-no-money-to-spend-on-food week. This week the budget was tight so that dinners have been spaghetti. No joke. So since I have no food to show you, I thought I'd entertain you with three random things about myself which I'm seeing all over blogspace lately. Shall we?
2. I take 4 times as long to do a chore if I have music on. Which is the opposite of practically everyone I know. I don't know why I get so distracted with music on. If it's just the TV on, not a problem. But with headphones on, it takes an hour to load the dishwasher.
3. I daydream a lot more than most people do...I think. I'm not sure if this one is due to my job (sitting at a desk all day with periods of nothing to do) but I can't tell you how many times people have looked at me weird because I'm just staring off into the distance.
Lol I can relate on the day dreaming! Friends/family always know when "I'm off in my own world"!
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